About Us

Paul Menzel
Jim Conlan

"A great reminder to keep howling at the moon. Well done!"
"I love the way you guys approach this podcast. Very listenable."
"Your podcast is a hoot! I feel like I’m right there with you old dogs."
"It sounds so spontaneous and natural, it’s like a good one-act play." READ MORE...
Welcome to New Tricks for Old Dogs.
Discovering new ways to avoid acting our age
Paul Menzel and Jim Conlan are a couple of guys in their 70’s who never learned how to act their age. They started this podcast hoping to find people willing to listen to them.
The show features their shameless comments on what’s going on in the world and a conversation with a senior who has found a way to bring new energy and meaning into their life.
New Tricks for Old Dogs is available on most directories and this website. Below is a link to our current episode and a link to our YouTube channel.

The Podcast for Bodacious Boomers
Play the latest episode.

Paul Menzel
Paul has always known that he was destined for a life of comedy. And people have been laughing at him ever since. For eight years after graduating from college in 1968, he directed and performed in Dudley Riggs’ Brave New Workshop in Minneapolis. During that time, the group was featured weekly in satirical pieces for “All Things Considered” on the National Public Radio Network.
In 1977, Paul moved to Houston to open a comedy club. One room featured improvisational comedy revues and a separate room featured young comedians. Over the next 12 years, the Comedy Workshop provided a home for untried actors, writers and comedians....and a lot of bad behavior.

Jim Conlan
Jim Conlan (“James” to his close friends) is a multitalented guy with multi-multi talents (he says). Known as a child for his extremely loud voice, he was often thrust on-stage to make announcements at class assemblies. From this, he developed a powerful yen to be entertaining. In fact, thanks to quick action by his teachers, Jim entertained the principal on many occasions..
Between then and now Jim has howled at many moons. He has a degree in painting. He was in the Peace Corps. And for years you could hear Jim's jazz trio around town until even the small audience for jazz dried up. Jim refuses to speculate on the likelihood that his playing in part contributed to the situation.